Thursday, November 8, 2012

Witness Seen Multi Colored Object Over Clarion Pennsylvania

Date:  November 6, 2012
Hello, like many others, I was staying up to watch the election.

My mother, cheering on, and booing on, I got bored so I looked out the window to watch the moon.

My father, being in the Airforce, taught me many things about planes, and what they are like in the sky, both day, and night. 

As looked up, into the fully dark sky, the moon was still behind the hills, but I saw what I thought was a plane. I gave a laugh as to the colors, and how it went blue, red, sliver, blue, red very fast. I thought, well, they must like colors.

After about 5 minutes, I looked out again, and the moon was still hidden, but, the "plane" was still there, had not moved, still, I thought nothing of it, I'm not one to care, but after about five minutes I looked again, and this time, I was shocked. It was moving, but it would move left, right, forward, backwards, beyond fast.

I could not think of anything that could ever move so fast, be 100% silent, and make the sudden turns.
I called my mother over, and told her look at this. Now mom, she, yes, believes in UFO's, but only thought they would be somewhere like a city, never in old Clarion, PA.

We watched, as it was bright, making such weird crazy moves, but always stopping around the same spot.
After a few minutes, I had by this point, stopped watching, but then, she called for me and there it was, there was two more. They was not a bright, dual, but still, amazing color.

These were not satellites, they do not move in the crazy weird ways like this. After hearing Obama won, I gave a cheer, and was off to bed! Laying down, I laughed at how I felt crazy, thinking "did i really just see a UFO, silent, and weird moving"
During the night, mom deiced she was done watching the news, yes, 2:00 a.m., and she went to bed, but before, she took one last look out, and, they were gone, going to the restroom, she looked out the window, (south looking) and, there it was, making weird movements, very pretty. Silent.
Mom and I talked about this, and, I didn't want to say anything, for people will think I am crazy. In fact, if I did not see it for myself, I would think the same
I am about 2 hours North of Pittsburgh.

I know these were not weather balloons, satellites, planes, or helicopters. Never seen them before, haven't seen since.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)

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